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Guardian says Iraq stopped pumping oil, Saturday

Dear all

The Guardian reported this Saturday that Iraq has stopped pumping oil, pushing the world oil price up. I haven't seen or heard this news anywhere else. Has anybody else heard it? Is it true?

With typical timing, (ie following yesterday's story) the Observer had a big report today quoting a man reported to be "Saddam's executioner" with a (probably not) new report about executions, human rights abuses, including detailss of a reported mass execution in 1998 . I haven't found it online, it should be on the Observer website, but it ends with the following amusing quote from Peter Hain, including a claim apparently accusing S. Hussein of bestaility! Not sure if this is connected to the 'elephants grazing on lush vegetation story'

'Foreign Office Minister Peter Hain said:"Nobody should forget Saddam's evil bestiality. Those who want  the United Nations to abandon sanctions and walk away are inviting him to terrorise Iraqi Kurds in the north, his neighbours and the region with horrendous violence."'



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