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Re: [iac-disc.] Bitter legacy of sanctions

If you go to the website IRIS sent, you can click on Talking Point and submit your
opinion regarding whether the sanctions should be lifted and write a comment.

IRIS Author wrote:

>               BBC NEWS
>               Friday, 1 December, 2000, 14:33 GMT
>               Eyewitness: Bitter legacy of sanctions
>               These mothers say sanctions killed their
> children
>               By Ben Brown in Baghdad
>               Saddam Hussein brought sanctions upon
> his
>               country - but it is not him who is
> suffering.
>               Instead, the Iraqi people are paying the
> price
>               from the cradle to the grave.
>               In Iraq's hospitals, doctors say there
> are
>               frequent power cuts and only rudimentary
>               equipment because of sanctions.
>               Many babies are severely malnourished
> and of
>               every 1,000 babies born, 108 will die
> before
>               their first birthday.
>               Paediatrician Dr
>               Abdullah Hamzawi
>               showed me one baby in
>               his run-down ward.
>               "She weighs only 40%
>               of the weight she is
>               supposed to be," he
>               said.
>               "Such babies carry the
>               risk of 50% mortality.
>               Fifty per cent she may
>               die. I just ask why
>               should this happen," he
>               adds.
>               Back in time
>               Ten years after sanctions were first
> imposed,
>               Iraq is being driven further and further
> back in
>               time. This oil-rich nation is becoming
> more and
>               more under-developed
>               Even for babies lucky
>               enough to leave
>               hospital, the prospects
>               are a life of poverty
>               and misery.
>               In Iraq, education used
>               to be a priority, but
>               under sanctions and
>               Saddam, it comes
>               second to survival.
>               One 14-year-old boy I
>               met sells cigarettes to
>               support his family. Like
>               about half of Iraq's children, he's
> dropped out
>               of school.
>               "My father is old, my mother can't work
> and my
>               brother is a conscript. I have to sell
> cigarettes
>               to keep my family alive," he said.
>               If you do make it through school and on
> to
>               university, you might wonder whether
> it's
>               worth it. Forget the internet, books
> from the
>               1970s and 80s may be your latest works
> of
>               reference.
>               Brain drain
>               Although there is a brain drain from
> Iraq, some
>               students are staying.
>               "Here education is free,
>               so I think it's my turn
>               to pay back, says one
>               young woman. "I'd stay
>               here and I'd serve my
>               country."
>               But in Iraq's blockaded
>               economy, teachers and
>               civil servants, for
>               example, earn around
>               50p a week. Out on
>               the streets, many
>               choose to sell their
>               books to supplement their income.
>               What is the point of graduating, some
> feel, if
>               you end up at an auction house, selling
> off
>               your most treasured possessions just to
> make
>               ends meet?
>               Recently, the United Nations have eased
> their
>               blockade and would lift it entirely if
> Saddam
>               Hussein would comply with their demands.
>               But for now, those with nothing left to
> sell
>               have one last choice - to beg.
>               A decade on, this is still the agony of
>               sanctions, from birth until death.
> =====
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