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House of Commons EDM

House of Commons Early Day Motion 294

                 Mr George Galloway
                 Mr John Cummings
                 Mr Bill Michie
                 Dr Norman A. Godman

That this House welcomes the report of the Caritas Europa delegation 
including Julian Filochowski Director of the British Catholic Aid Agency 
CAFOD and Father Frank Turner SJ Assistant Secretary General of the Catholic 
Bishops Conference on the 'humanly catastrophic, morally indefensible and 
politically ineffective' sanctions on Iraq; notes the report's description 
of Iraqi sanctions as a failed policy which must be changed; calls upon Her 
Majesty's Government to contemplate the churchmen's conclusion that the 
suffering of the Iraqi people cannot be regarded as unfortunate but 
collateral damage in what is otherwise an honourable course of action; and 
considers that the fact that sanctions are patently ineffective only adds 
insult to injury.
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