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Re: newsnight inaccuracies

I totally agree.
Can we all have Newsnight's address.


--On Wednesday, February 7, 2001 15:59 +0000 Voices uk 
<> wrote:

> Further to Themos Tsikas's message about the recent newsnight programme on
> Iraq, some may remember that Mark Urban did another piece on sanctions for
> Newsnight, about this time last year (in fact I think he's done a number
> of pieces - he may be the resident Iraq 'expert').  It was riddled with
> inaccuracies, most notable of which was Mark Urban's totally baseless
> conclusion that the infant mortality rate was higher in the south/centre
> than in the north because the Iraqi government was obstructing oil for
> food - in fact, it could have been a propaganda film produced for the
> Foreign Office, rather than supposedly objective journalism.  I wrote to
> Newsnight on that occasion, to the editor, whose name now escapes me (Liz
> someone?).  My letter wasn't even acknowledged, far less answered.  I do
> think it would be good if as many people as possible contacted Newsnight
> and pointed out that Mark Urban's journalism is either appallingly
> sloppy, or disgracefully biased.  Either way, they should take steps to
> ensure he checks his facts in future.

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