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Vatican Opposition to Bombing


Vatican Opposes Latest Bombing of Iraq

VATICAN CITY, FEB. 21, 2001 ( The Vatican has expressed its
disapproval of last week's bombing of Iraq by U.S. and British warplanes.

Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state, also protested the
embargo imposed on Iraq, when he met the press at a reception Monday in the
Italian Embassy.

"We pronounce ourselves again against the embargo," he told Vatican Radio.
"As to the rest, the Holy See is not the only one: Many governments,
including the Italian government, at times have expressed concern over the
humanitarian situation of these youths, patients, deprived of assistance,
and have always appealed for change. We also hope that wisdom will prevail."

"It is believed that the method of force will resolve problems; the Holy
See thinks otherwise," the cardinal stressed.

Last Friday, for the first time in two years, U.S. and British planes
bombed targets near Baghdad, to enforce a military "no-fly" zone. Their
action resulted in three people dead and 30 wounded among the civilian
population, Baghdad reported.


ZENIT Editorial Address:
C.P. 18356 00164 Rome Italy

Copyright 2001, Innovative Media, Inc.

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