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TV show this Sunday, people wanted

 Dear all, please find below request for participants in a TV Show.

This chap is making a TV show on Sunday for a cable channel, ithe time has now been confirmed as 4pm this Sunday 25 February

So far I'm the only person who has agreed to be on it, but it's planned to be an hour long and I'm not enough!

Subject: Iraq bombing tv interview 18-2-2001

> Saturday 17 February 2001
> Hello:
> How many good speakers can you bring to a live television interview on
> Sunday (25-02-2001)  4pm on the bombing of Iraq? The studio is in
> North Acton (London NW10) area. We want speakers to include British MPs
> (George Galloway, Tony Benn, Martin Bell etc) and MEPs, and former
> officials from UN agencies and UNSCOM etc, and Sabah Al-Mukhtar etc. 

 Please advise/confirm by return
> email urgently. Please send  briefs on all speakers, full contact (weekend
> mobile numbers) details, and circulate the request widely. Thank you.
> Sincerely
> Parveez Syed
> "Global Eye" Weekly
> Global Eye Productions
> Shanti Communications
> Email:
> Tel: 44-07831-196693

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