The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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Conference: The News Embargo on Iraq

The World Association for Christian Communication
invites you to attend a two-day workshop on

The News Embargo on Iraq

April 5 and 6, 2001
New York City

Keynote Speakers

Denis J. Halliday and Hans von Sponeck

Both men recently resigned their positions as United Nations Humanitarian 
Coordinator for Iraq to protest what the sanctions are doing to the people of 


Jutta Burghardt, Kathy Kelly, Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Mike Nahhal, and

First hand reports from humanitarian workers who have been in Iraq, including
American Friends Service Committee, Fellowship of Reconciliation and 
Mennonite Central Committee 

And other distinguished guests.
Why has the world stood by 
unmoved by the humanitarian 
tragedy unfolding in Iraq as
over a half a million children
have died because of a decade 
of sanctions?
Why has the Western press been 
so reluctant to discuss this issue, 
creating, in effect, a kind of 
second embargo, a "news embargo" 
on the people of Iraq?

And what can be done by secular 
and religious journalists to break 
that embargo?
Please join us for:

The News Embargo on Iraq
A Workshop for Religious and Secular Journalists
Co-sponsored by the North American Regional Association of the
    World Association for Christian Communication
April 5 and 6, 2001
The Interchurch Center
475 Riverside Drive (at 120th St.)
New York City
Cost per day including lunch:  $25
Advance registration by check would be appreciated but is not necessary to 
Make checks payable to WACC and mail to:
The News Embargo on Iraq
310 Riverside Drive, #511
New York, NY  10025
For more information:; E-mail: 
or call 212/865-6115 (in Europe + 44 207 582 9139)
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