The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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FW: ACTION ALERT: Bush in Brussels 13/06/01

It occurred to me there may be some on this list who may wish to join this
re Iraq- it is certainly an opportunity. best, f.


dear friends, On 13th June George W. Bush will visit NATO hq in Brussels, to
meet with all NATO heads of government/state. This is a unique opportunity
to let your feelings known on NATO nuclear policy, Star Wars, climate
change, human rights etc.
If you would like to come, let For Mother Earth know, and we will probably
be able to arrange accomodation for you, otherwise please network this
message to all the people and organisations you know!

Dear Friends

Over the past months everybody has been shocked by the disastrous policy
decisions of US President Bush. It is obvious by now he doesn't give a damn
about international agreements, he only follows the dictates from the oil
and weapon industry.
On Wednesday June 13th George Bush is visiting the NATO headquarters at
Brussels, where he will meet the heads of state of the Western alliance.
The development of Star Wars will be the major item on his agenda.
We cannot let this summit pass without making our feelings  known. Under the
common idea 'respect international agreements' a group of Belgian and
international NGO's calls for a non-violent demonstration. At this moment
the group consists of 11..11.11, Attac (against financial speculation), Bond
Beter Leefmilieu (Flemish environmental umbrella organisation), War
Resisters International, Greenpeace, Inter Environment Wallonie (Walloon
environmental group), Oxfam Solidariteit and For Mother Earth.
We plan a short march to NATO headquarters with a clear message to the Heads
of state and for President Bush. All organisations and participants are
invited to make signs concerning the themes of the international agreements
that Bush is violating (e.g. climate, disarmament, human rights).  We also
have a 'Wanted Poster" that reminds people of the international crimes
against Humanity and the Planet that Bush is committing. This poster can be
downloaded from the website <> and
adapted to suit your needs.  We expect some counterdemonstrations of the
financial world, the oil industry and the military industrial complex which
will see their welcome party for the President disturbed.
The participants to the action will be invited to sign a "non-violence
engagement declaration", and we expect everyone on the demonstration to take
a non-violent attitude (verbal as well as physical). There will be legal
support for anyone arrested, and there will also be plenty of opportunities
for more autonomous nonviolent direct action against the meeting after the
The meeting point for the demonstration is 8:30 am at Metro Station "Bordet"
in Brussels. The demonstration will leave for NATO headquaters at 9am
We hope to make a maximum use of the internet to make this action
successful. Please spread this acton alert and the 'Wanted' poster as widely
as possible.
Updates can be obtained on our website
You can e-mail to :
On Tuesday evening, June 12th there will be a protest vigil in front of the
US embassy. More information about this vigil is available on the website.

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