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Re: 4000 Israelis

Hello all,
the reason I've sent the stories of Manartv to the list is that one has to be very careful who to point as the terrorists. Washington has no proof that it was Bin Laden. So it is good that there are other articles who tell the opposite. "Afghanistan and Iraq are guilty", Bush says, even when there is no proof, only rumours. I think that rumours from Manartv are worth as much as rumours of the Bush-administration. So, unless there is compelling evidence of who did the atrocities in the US, it might as well have been American pilots that carried out the attack . It is very strange that the US cannot wait until they have solid proof before sending warplanes to the region. I didn't tell the stories were true. I only forwarded the articles.
Alexander, why do you think that Oday Hussein made up the stories? Do you have any proof for that? I found your remark "I understand very well that Saddam Hussein's son Odeh is using his internet portal uruk etc. for spreading such disinformation, but I do have no patience with well intentioned people getting unwillingly and ignorantly instruments of the snowballing system used by those interested sides."  very insulting for Iraq. It shows what you think about Iraq. And it's a good example of disinformation.
Best regards.

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