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Recent t from Friends Committee on National Leglislation

Just copied this from the Friends Committee on National Legislation here in
Washington, D.C. -- nicely compliments the splendid statement from the Friends
in Wellington just posted to CASI.

  Have not checked but am confident that more excellent material is available
from the American Friends Service Committee,

   While some of this is specific to the U.S., I believe that most is
pertinent to the struggle against the war worldwide.


October 11 , 2001 — uploaded at 6:30 PM

The following message focuses on selected legislation which Congress is
considering now and suggests some points that you may wish to make in your
communications with Congress. These messages are intended as a supplement to
other FCNL materials and do not reflect FCNL's complete policy position on any
issue, nor do they include all pertinent facts on any topic.


OPPOSE THE BOMBING IN AFGHANISTAN: On October 7, U.S.-led forces began bombing
Afghanistan in the next step in the "war against terrorism." In the process,
dozens of innocent civilians have been killed (including UN staff), dozens
more have been injured, tens of thousands are fleeing their homes in fear, and
shipments of food to the famine-stricken Afghan population have been reduced
significantly. In sum, the U.S. is perpetuating a cycle of violence that began
long before atrocities of September 11. The cycle will likely continue for
years to come so long as people with political grievances (whether nations or
groups) continue to accept the killing of innocent civilians as an acceptable
means or consequence for achieving their political ends.

ACTION: Please contact President Bush. Urge him to stop the bombing, stand
down the U.S. military, feed the hungry, and work diligently through peaceful
means to win the hearts and minds of the Afghan people and other peoples
throughout that region to the cause of justice for the victims of September
11. Please send a similar message to your legislators and local news media.

letter posted in our Legislative Action Center, personalize the language, then
send your message as an email directly from our site or print it out and mail
it. To view a sample letter, click on the link below and click <Go> in the
<Take Action Now> box. Here is the link

BACKGROUND: To read the FCNL letter and statement that was sent to President
Bush and Congress October 11, 2001, please see our web site at

ECONOMIC STIMULUS PACKAGE: The attacks of September 11th have exacerbated an
economic downturn that began earlier this year. The financial impact has been
particularly acute in industries such as retail sales, restaurant and hotel
services, and tourism, which employ many low-wage workers, including many
women and immigrants.

Congress and the President are presently working on an economic stimulus
package. Current proposals differ in (1) the proportion of aid that would
assist the business community vs. unemployed workers and (2) the nature of the
assistance for unemployed workers. While some assistance to businesses is
appropriate and necessary, any stimulus package must meet two important
criteria. The package must provide immediate economic help to the most
vulnerable in U.S. society, and the provisions should not harm economic
stability in the long-run.

Vulnerable workers would be helped by a variety of measures. These include,
but are not limited to, (1) strengthening the unemployment insurance program,
(2) increased funding for nutrition assistance programs, and (3) assistance
with health care coverage.

Measures currently under consideration that would threaten the long-term
health of the economy include permanent (as opposed to temporary) business tax
incentives and accelerating the phase-in of tax-rate reductions passed earlier
this year.

ACTION: Please call or write to your members of Congress. Urge them to support
strengthening the unemployment assistance program, increasing funding for
nutrition assistance programs, and providing assistance with health care
coverage. Urge them to oppose measures that would threaten the long-term
health of the economy.

letter posted in our Legislative Action Center, personalize the language, then
send your message as an email directly from our site or print it out and mail
it. To view a sample letter, click on the link below. Then enter your zip code
and click <Go> in the <Take Action Now> box. Here is the link

For additional background information, please see FCNL's web site at

MILITARY SPENDING UPDATE: In response to the September 11 attacks, Congress
will soon be considering another increase in military spending. Unless
Congressional leaders apply the brakes, total military spending in FY2002 is
likely to surpass $410 billion - $80-90 billion more than was spent in FY2001.
Votes in the House and Senate on the Pentagon's budget for FY2002 could occur
as soon as next week (the week of October 15). For additional information,
please see FCNL's web site,

letter posted in our Legislative Action Center, personalize the language, then
send your message as an email directly from our site or print it out and mail
it. To view a sample letter, click on the link below. Then enter your zip code
and click <Go> in the <Take Action Now> box. Here is the link


Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 CONTACTING THE ADMINISTRATION

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