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Re: Transcript

Dear Abi,
I joined this list briefly to try and pull its members specialist knowledge
in order to try and gain some answers on certain figures related to the
sanctions. I thought that an anti-sanctions organisation would be a logical
place where such figures would be known. The request for anyone who might
know where I could find a copy of a transcript of the Saddam/Glaspie
exchange was added at the bottom as an afterthought by me, as I am aware
that a full Iraqi government transcript was released in English under the
title, "The Confrontation." I have been trying to get hold of a copy of this
transcript for my own personal reasons for some time, but have been thus far
unsuccessful. I did not send the "transcript," or to be more accurate, the
unsubstantiated reported source, with the intention that it be used in some
way by CASI other than for the personal interest of members. I do not
believe I was attempting to claim in anyway that the "transcript" was
authoritative, complete or substantiated. Simply the fact that it was
reported or claimed to be the essence of the reported Saddam/Glaspie
exchange, made it as a source adequate for the purposes for which I
personally required it. Your comments regarding its accuracy and
authenticity as a source are obviously valid, and I did not pass comment on
its accuracy or authenticity because I was writing fast, just providing it
for members own interest, and working on the assumption that members would
be mature enough to acknowledge the problems with it as source (as you
rightly raised) without my prompting. This was because I as postgraduate
history student fell into the trap (given the milieu in which I was
educated) to assume that such questions about the sources validity were
plain and obvious to all. For this assumption I apologise and will endeavour
never to repeat.
Regards Hadi.

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