The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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RE: Beyond political agendas.

I didn't say anything about dates. I was talking about
on the very evident fact that they are killing people.
I'm not sure how much clearer I can say it! 
It would be interesting to hear from other people on the
list: should CASI and other campaigns against sanctions bypass 
the impossible goal of a veto of the Security Council  
resolutions and instead
call for the resumption of normal (and non military)
trade with Iraq based on principles of human rights? 

>===== Original Message From Bert Gedin <> =====
>Ms Winkler,
>Profuse apols for the delay - I hadn't forgotten.
>You may be right, that diplomats/policymakers etc., whether from the
>U.S.(organ-grinder) or U.K.(monkey) "follow a line", thereby possibly being
>- to put it politely - "time-wasters". Sometimes it may be more
>purposeful to converse with a brick wall!
>You state your case, in various matters, quite eloquently - nothing much for
>me to add. But I slam the brakes on when you start discussing sanctions.
>Quite so, not even His Holiness has succeeded in getting sanctions lifted.
>But people, such as ourselves, as well as religious or political leaders
>etc., need patience & "stickability", and not to forget the long-term view
>(a sense of vision). People were grumbling, during the Roman Empire,
>thinking their glorious Caesars would rule forever. That was mistaken,
>although not much consolation if you're about to be fed to the lions!
>Anti-sanction campaigning, obviously, needs to continue ("Never say
>never!"), and, yes, some organisations or individuals, even governments, may
>well try to "break" sanctions, e.g. by purchasing dates from worker's
>co-operatives in Iraq. It's not enough, though, I believe, to be
>over-preoccupied with fighting symptoms of the cancer -one also requires a
>holistic view of what - in the political realm - health is all about, and
>this as something to aspire to.
>None of us, possibly, have the "ideal" solution. Much remains to be done at
>a multitude of levels, education, politics, economy, trade unions, Churches
>& Temples etc., science, media etc., etc., etc. Yet, if we do see a need for
>compassion, in the world, do we not owe it to each other to manifest that we
>are really serious about righting the wrongs everywhere around us?
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This is a discussion list run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq
For removal from list, email
CASI's website - - includes an archive of all postings.

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