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Beyond political agendas.

To Felicity Arbuthnot.

I would, of course, be utter callousness, not to realise the urgency,
when a child is dying. The "world change" would be to act, immediately,
to keep the child alive. Most of us have not seen the harrowing demise
of a dying child. As well as asking oneself what more could have been
done, the memory would haunt one long afterwards.

It is hurtful to see Felicity rebuke me for "horrific patience", which has, 
so mercilessly, cut short all too many young lives. Let me remind her that 
it wasn't me who stopped imports, nor bombed villages and
machinery during some eleven years after the (?)'ending' of the Gulf War. -
But I maintain that patience, in campaigning, is crucial (unless we all want 
to pack up and go home, after a few months).

Since quite some time, I have been involved with local anti-sanctions 
campaigning, an often thankless task, where you don't always meet smiling, 
friendly, people. It does have it's rewards, not least the comraderie of 
others in the group.

I remain an admirer of Felicity, for all her hard work for Iraqi people,
throughout the years (I've been priviledged to hear her speak, on several 
occasions). She certainly has much patience, 'stickability' and
sheer endurance (she can be forgiven for, only rarely, having days for
railing off!).


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