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Re: [casi] Newspaper Extracts

I've been unable to download Peter Brooke's summaries for quite some time so
maybe there's been a large overlap there with stuff that I've posted. The
rationale behind my recent posts (which have been confined to the British
broadsheets) has been to encourage people to act by writing to the papers.
Here time is of the essence and a delay of 2-3 days would render this
material useless *for this purpose.* However, if there's a consensus amongst
list members that they don't want this, I'm happy to stop these posts.

Best wishes,

voices uk

-----Original Message-----
From: hazim awbi <>
To: <>
Date: 04 March 2002 12:24
Subject: [casi] Newspaper Extracts

>I wish there is some co-ordination between the people at CASI who are
>sending huge lists of extarcts from newspapers, etc. most of which is
>repeated in later messages at least 3 or 4 times.  This is a huge time
>waster having to sieve through the articles one by one to see if we have
>read it or not.
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