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Re: [casi] accusation that Iraq gives remuneration to suicide bombers' families

Hi Colin, your 'terrible tangle' resonates with me absolutely.
However one has to remember intense national pride (not unique to Iraq, but
all nations) $25 million is little in the scheme of things, but remains for
posterity - for which Babylonia, Mesapotamia has enriched the world and a
spirit which still is embued. So I contradict myself somewhat. Is food
allocation being cut? Where does this come from? I had a mail today which
said the $25,000 to Palestinian families comes from the US. These are also
such dificult times to extract facts and not fall for propoganda.
It is terrific to have Iraqi's centering us on the list - we are, after all
doing our passionate best, but coming to Iraq with mainly western heads - as
you know, I always feel close to an intruder.
Yet those who care must make the UK and US accountable - this frightening
and illegal war on anyone anywhere picked by the US Administration, really
must be looked into under a legal miscroscope - looking at the (unreported)
world wide demos. Where are Bush and Blair taking us all, where ever we are?
To another so disenfranchised, hopeless person, with no future. having, it
has to be said, courage, to commit an unimaginable act?
My thoughts, warmest, f.

>From: "Colin Rowat" <>
>To: "farbuthnot" <>
>Subject: RE: [casi] accusation that Iraq gives remuneration to suicide bombers'
>Date: Fri, Apr 5, 2002, 10:47 am

[message contents removed from CASI Discussion list archive on Colin Rowat's
requests as it contained personal comments not intended for distribution to
the whole list --Seb Wills, 10-Apr-2002]

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