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Re: [casi] turn off the oil tap?

In October 6- 1973, Iraq raised the slogan (Arab Oil is for Arab), then all
Arab Oil states turned off oil tap to the west and USA. It was very good
step resulted that in 1975 UN adopted the resolution that equaled Zionism
and Racism. Now, the issue is not oil, but the economic relation between USA
and Arab. The International Trade Organization reported that USA exports to
Arab region were 176 Billion Dollars in year 2000. So, the most important
from oil is to boycott USA exports, not only in Arab countries but also in
whole Moslem countries. There are more than 1 billion Moslems all over the
world. Suppose that every Moslem buys coca-cola and Macdonald hamburger once
a year spending 100 dollars, boycotting just coke and hamburgers means a 100
billion dollars lost a year.
          All peace loving people must boycott American products whatever it
is, weapon or soft drink. America threatens, always, by using economic
boycott, against China, Europe and whoever tries to make economic balance in
the world or opposes UAS policies. Let us try this weapon and oil against
USA and we will see the results within weeks.
Best regards
Nermin Al-Mufti, Baghdad

----- Original Message -----
From: "peter kiernan" <>
To: "pjw8" <>; "casi-discuss"
<>; "nermin" <>
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 4:06 AM
Subject: Re: [casi] turn off the oil tap?

> Hi Phillipa,
> The embargo idea has been bandied about alot this week, but no major oil
> producer apart from Iraq has taken it seriously, even Iraq may have just
> brought it up for rhetorical purposes. Opec doesn't have the market share
> had in 1973, and in real terms alot of them , especially Saudi Arabia, are
> economically poorer than when they were in those days.Even Iran could only
> say they would do it only if every-one else does. It would be a nice idea
> even just for symbolic reasons to say to the US "we are still a force to
> reckoned with," but I doubt the Saudis or any-one else are willing to put
> their money where their mouth is, so to speak. That's because Arab oil
> economies need their oil revenue at the moment more than they ever did. In
> real terms the price of oil has stagnated while their populations have
> rapidly so there's less to go around. Western economies also depend alot
> less on oil for economic growth than in the early 1970s. So all I'm saying
> is that the oil embargo weapon might not be the powerful weapon it seems
> be.
> However, the US economy is going through a fragile recovery, and the last
> thing it wants is a sharp spike in oil prices that could blow it all away.
> Therefore, even just a hint of some supply disruptions could get something
> meaningful out of the US in regards to the Palestinians, the price of oil
> shot up alot this week which could partly explain Bush's shift in attitude
> towards the Palestinians on thursday, but would it change their Iraq
> Probabably not I would imagine.
> Best,
> Peter
> Subject: [casi] turn off the oil tap?
> > >I think the proposed plan that Iraq and possibly Iran, could "turn off
> the
> > oil tap" to the US (which now receives 15% of its oil from Iraq)as a
> of
> > protest against Israel, should be discussed by this email list. Given
> > Japan is 75% dependent on Gulf oil, Japan could step in as a major
> recipient
> > of Iraqi oil, Philippa Winkler
> >
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