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[casi] Today's Mirror

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Dear All

Hope you are well.

My father was visiting his osteopath today, and after waiting for ten minutes his eye was drawn to 
today's Mirror.

I introduce this news to you in this way to make clear that this is not normally a paper that I 
would read!

The contents of today's Mirror must be considered a huge victory for the peace movement - this 
paper has a huge readership, and I think I express a common view when I say that it wouldn't be the 
first place I would expect to see journalism of profound integrity.  Though I take all that back 

John Pilger is behind the article: the horrific facts on Iraq known so well to all of us but 
painfully inadequately reported generally are spelt out in detail (Pg's 6 / 7)

I express my own personal gratitude to him, and we should all see this as progress (which has been 
hard to come by recently)  I recommend everyone see if they can get a copy.

It's also on

Peace to you all


Mark Sinjakli


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