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[casi] Big protest in Sheffield calls for "Justice for Palestine - Hands off Iraq"

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

[excerpt from Press Release]


This morning (Saturday 4th May) over 2,000 people joined a demonstration
under the banner, "Justice for Palestine - Hands off Iraq".

The demonstration was remarkable for the diversity of its participants.
Peace campaigners, human rights activists, Palestinian refugees now resident
in Sheffield, political activists, trade-unionists, many from Sheffield's
Asian communities, lots of young people, and two different bands, produced a
lively mix and demonstrated the breadth of support that the struggle of the
Palestinian people inspires here in Sheffield.

Several 'feeder' marches joined the demonstration from local Stop the War
groups, walking to the city centre from Heeley, Nether Edge, Pitsmoor, and
Sharrow. As the demonstration assembled in Barkers Pool they were played in
by Ragnarok. Speeches were kicked off by Rami Khateeb, a Palestinian student
who has recently been in Ramallah and who described the violence of the
Israeli army's assault on that city's people.

As the demonstration wound around Sheffield city centre demonstrators
chanted, "Stop the killing, stop the crime, Israel out of Palestine," and
"Palestine - Freedom." The rally at Devonshire Green included a diverse
platform of speakers, reflecting the range of groups that have come together
to campaign on these issues.

The Demonstration was organised in just two weeks by the newly formed Campaign Coordinating
Committee of Sheffield (CCCS). The organisers are optimistic that this
demonstration will encourage local people to get involved in future
campaigning for justice in the Middle East, starting with travelling to
London on May 18th for a National Demonstration called by the Palestine
Solidarity Campaign.

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