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Re: [casi] human rights

Dear Dirk, Roger and all,
Talking is hopeless with whom who folds his eyes and run toward one
Dirk says (> Iraqi opposition must know these facts.) yes they know it very
well and work hand in hand with US to kill more Iraqis. I remember now an
interview done by BBC with an (opposition leader) in 1991 during the
aggression against whole Iraq through which he asked Iraqis to overthrow the
government otherwise the bombing is going to be very brutal. Just imagine!!
After the aggression, US tried by (paid militants) to topple the regime
through so-called Iraqi Uprising; by the way those who began in the south
were thrown by US helicopters, but the results were bloodier than the
bombing. Women raped, houses robbed and burned, and hundreds were killed in
very savage way.
What kind of Human Rights does HRW talk about? Omer Juma'a, the well-known
Palestinian journalist was in Kuwait when Bush the father stood in front of
the Congress in August 1990 and began to cry narrating the story of the
incubators. Juma'a went immediately to the hospitals and found nothing. He
made a story affirming that every word was a lie. He send his story to VOA,
he was its corespondent in Baghdad. And VOA dismissed him. Then the real
story was revealed and whole the World had known the truth of the
incubators.  Juma'a sued a file against VOA and it was a must for him to go
to US. A friend advised him to go to a branch of HRW that watches the
freedom of the press and protect journalists from unjust dismissing. There,
they told him we are ready to help you if your case is against Iraq or any
other Arab state or any other third world state. This is HRW, a tool in the
American Administration hands.
Every body knows the US goals from punishing Iraq. And those in the
opposition look like US in defending their own interests, which are not the
nation interests.
Every body knows that US jailed Omer Abdulrahman and tortured many others
because they threatened its administration I do not defending brutal ways of
interrogatation anywhere.
Again, we in Iraq are defending nothing but our rights in restoring our life
before the sanctions. We do not want a sample like American Hamid Karazay,
who accepted to be an American tool against Afghanistan, the country he was
from before getting American citizenship.
Regards and peace.
Nermin al-Mufti, Baghdad

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dirk Adriaensens" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 09, 2002 1:50 PM
Subject: [casi] human rights

> Dear listmembers,
> let's talk about human rights. I was in Iraq in april this year. I met
> Ghazwan, Nermin, Hassan, Tony, and others of this list, all beautiful
> people. All honest people who dedicate their life fighting the unjust
> sanctions, and opposing to American world domination. People who are
> personally attacked all the time by Yasser & co.
> One very high-ranking official of a UN-related organisation, whose name I
> won't reveal (because he asked), told us off the record that there has
> a study about the effects of a limited American invasion, only to topple
> and to turnover Iraqi leadership. The results of this study are quite
> astonishing: there would be hundreds of thousands of deaths among the
> civilian population, mainly because of the collapse of the rationing
> and the vulnerable Iraqi economy.
> If I know these facts, surely the CIA-funded and/or US-government funded
> Iraqi opposition must know these facts.
> If you support an invasion, knowing these facts, can you call yourself a
> friend of the Iraqi people? What "human rights" are you defending? And
> should such people be able to express their "independent opinion" on an
> anti-sanctions-list? I don't think so. "I just wonder when their
> will, if ever, catch up with them?"
> Dirk Adriaensens.
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