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Re: [casi] Electricity in Baghdad?

Dear Ghazwan,

sorry for the delay, it's been a busy week due to my imminent
departure and return to Kurdistan. This is just to respond to the
offer to meet you there during your holiday in the Kurdistan
Region. As it was made on the list, I reply on the list.

I would be delighted to see you there - it's so much easier to
discuss matters when one knows the person behind the arguments and
without the pressure of having the last word in a public dispute.
You can get in touch with me through any of the PRO offices or
through both the Ministry of Humanitarian Aid and Co-operation and
the Ministry of Reconstruction. It's probably easier through the
PRO office in Dohuk, as it is not such a bulky institution as the
Ministries. Or just ask anyone in any governmental or party office
of some rank - they know me and will find out for you about my
current whereabouts.

I have had to delay my departure to the region scheduled for today
to later in the upcoming week.

This also allows me to respond to your message in substance within
the next days, before the daily business and the celebrations of my
40th anniversary of entering Kurdistan for the first time take all
my time.

See you, hopefully, soon.
Alexander Sternberg

Ghazwan Al-Mukhtar wrote:
> Dear Alexander, Jennifer and all
> The UN "note" [clip]

> Ps: Alexander I will be taking a holyday to Dahuk and Zakho soon and would
> like to visit you  if you are in the Area.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alexander Sternberg" <>
> To: "jennifer horan" <>

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