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Re: [casi] Senate Hearing on Iraq - Speakers

Panet 1V "The Day After'. This is of course the title of the chilling film
of the 80's about nuclear war. Given the Bush baby's appalling statement
that they reserved the right to use them first even against countries with
no nuclear potential, I find this quite chilling.


>  The list of the speakers that will testify next week at the Senate
>  Hearings. .
> Wednesday, July 31
>  Panel I:  The Threat
>  Mr. Charles Deulfer
>  Center for Strategic and International Studies
>  Dr. Khidir Hamza
>  Former Iraqi Nuclear Engineer
>  Anthony Cordesman
>  Center for Strategic and International Studies
>  ***
>  Panel II:  Possible Responses
>  Honorable Robert Gallucci
>  Dean, School Foreign Service Georgetown
>  Additional witnesses to be announced
>  ***
>  Panel III:      Regional Considerations
>  Dr. Shibly Telhami
>  Dept Government & Politics - University of Maryland
>  Fouad Ajami
>  School of Advanced International Studies
>  Geoffrey Kemp
>  Director Regional Strategic Studies, Nixon Center
>  ***
>  THURSDAY, August 1
>  Panel IV: The Day After
>  Dr. Phebe Marr
>  Former Professor, National Defense University
>  Rahim Francke
>  Executive Director, Iraq Foundation
>  Additional Witness to be announced
>  ***
>  Panel V: Summing Up: National Security Perspectives
>  Samuel R. Berger
>  Stonebridge International, LLC
>  Additional Witnesses to be Announced
>  The above was sent to me by:
>  Peter Lems
>  American Friends Service Committee
>  1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia PA 19102
>  Tel: 215/241-7170  /  Fax:215/241-7177
> - - - -
> Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed
> --
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