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[casi] Armey speaking out against an Invasion.

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I am hearing a growing dissent for the Iraq invasion.

Dick Armey (R) has come out and said that he thinks we should leave SH alone.
 He also said something that totally floored me.  Armey said that if the
French wanted to come in and inspect USA weapons of Mass Destruction (which
would take a long long time) that we would probably not let them, therefore,
SH has a point.  Wow!  Rational words from a US politician.

 I have seen at least half a dozen Senators and Representatives come out
lately and speak out against invasion.  I think that coupled with statements
by Dick Cheney and other mouths from the white house suggesting that Shrub
will look at all options including Diplomacy, maybe the dissenting voices are
being heard!  Keep shouting!

Roger Stroope
Peace is a Human Right
Austin College

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