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Re: [casi] Campaign Against Sanctions?

Sama Hadad,

I haven't seen any pro-Saddam posts here. I must have missed them entirely.

The discussions remain on sanctions.. but with the impending war, we are desperate to resolve that 
before it proceeds further. I understand your view, but I can't say that I agree with regards to 
war and forced regime change. It is costly and will kill thousands of innocent people in the 

Certainly, the sanctions have already killed many. But how many do you think will die over this 
"regime change"? And who do you propose will lead the new regime?

America seeks war for it allows government to increase power, it increases political support for 
the president, it promotes industries that are commonly in league with the government.

There is tremendous destruction of civil liberties in the past year in America/UK, the polls 
indicating how disaster has increased support for the president, even though it's really his 
responsibility that it happened in the first place (it's his job to stop his country being 

Britain, France, Israel, China, all have nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, biological weapons... 
Saudi Arabia, Pakistan - have awful human rights records.. why isn't America dealing with these 

Russia could destroy the world. China could destroy the world. But does Russia or China have 
something America really wants (oil) and isn't giving it to them? No.

The sanctions placed on Iraq are there to weaken Iraq, they have little to do with weapons at all 
in my opinion, but with oil. And after 12 years of sanctions, and continued bombing of Iraq by US 
and UK war planes.. war surfaces without a credible threat from Iraq.

We are still waiting for these so-called these documents showing Iraq has these weapons. Where 
exactly is this proof? You would think with so much damning evidence that this government would 
have rushed to show it off to the UN.

The reality is.. Iraq is not a threat. If it were a threat, something would have been done by the 
UN a long time ago. It is Iraq's lack of threat - if you will - that makes Iraq the ideal target. 
Weakened by sanctions, the US/UK can finish the job and change the regime to suit its lust for oil.

It is more reasonable to bring UNESCO in and lift sanctions.. be civil about it. There is 
absolutely no need for a war.

~ Anai Rhoads

- - - -
Forgiveness breaks the chain of causality because he who forgives you -- out of love--takes upon 
himself the consequences of what you have done. Forgiveness, therefore, always entails a sacrifice.

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