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[casi] Why is this world so Partial ????

When China was not having nuclear bombs, It was treated badly by USA. Now
when they acquired Nukes they are given Veto in United Nation.

Similarly after India & Pak getting the Nuclear Bomb technology are
respected in the world.

Our world believes only those countries which have already acquired weapons
of Mass destructions should be allowed to advance them.

USA, Britain, Russia, China, India, Israel, Pakistan etc are allowed to
develop better weapons but small countries which oppose USA are seen as a
threat to whole world.

Why should the world think that USA needs weapons for it's safety and not
the smaller Nations. The reality is USA have acted as terrorist more than
other countries. USA attacks other countries without giving importance to
United Nations. But when other country does something for it's safety it is
considered violation of United Nations.

Is only the life of people living in USA so important. Are people of other
countries cocks and hens in a butcher shop to be killed by terrorists and

NATO which includes only America and it's allies should be banned since it
threatens the existence of United Nation. Why should not a democratic
country America understand the meaning of democracy. Which says equality to
all. Should there not be equality to all Nations.

America killed many more than whole world combined in World war II by using
Nuclear bomb for the first time on Japan. Reality is today a murderer and a
terrorist have become the Judge.

How much and what type of weapons are needed for safety of a Nation is to be
determined by the country people Not by it's enemy country.

It's foolishness for a Nation to develop weapons which it's enemy asks him
to develop then there is no significance of such weapons. Does anyone use
locks and safety in banks according to what thief's and burglars want or
what the safety they really need for safety?

Safety issue is a personal issue. No other country should intervene other
countries safety issues.

What if some country asks USA to stop all it security measures, isn't it
absurd? USA will decide how much safety is needed not the people of other

United Nation should try to stop such bulling efforts of USA. It's a crime
to bully weaker people so it is also a crime to bully small countries by
stronger country.

USA is raping and insulting integrity of weak countries which is a crime
according to all laws in this world. If United Nation doesn't stop USA from
doing such activities God will punish it.

Hope world understand my point of view where every one is given equality.
Where everyone's human rights are preserved.

Sanjay Sharma.

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