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[casi] Fadlallah bans muslims from collaborating with Americans against Iraq

Beirut: Fadlallah bans muslims from collaborating with Americans against Iraq

Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, the highest Shiite religious
authority in Lebanon, issued a fatwa (religious edict) on Monday Aug 12,
which bans muslims from collaborating with America in any military strike
against Iraq.

The fatwa reminds muslims throughout the world that God prohibits assisting
infidels against Muslims.

"It is not permissible to assist America and its allies in striking the Iraqi
people or enabling it (America) to control their economic resources, natural
wealth and general policy," Fadlallah said. "Muslims must handle their own affairs
by themselves in changing the internal corrupt situation and eliminating the
injustice (inflicted) on them in all Muslim countries"

According to his office, Fadlallah issued the fatwa amid U.S. preparations for
a possible attack on Iraq and after he had been questioned about his ruling on
Muslim cooperation with America.

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