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[casi] Contact the Mission

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

Dear friends,
      This is the contact mission for china at the UN. Also the name , address and phone number of 
Ambassader Mr. Wang Yingfan. Also his phone, #, and address and email.

Also the French ambassader is Jean-David Levitte.  the un email for her  is    Her phone number is  212-308-5700.

 The Russian Ambassader  is Sergey V. Lavrov  . His email  is       . I was listening to an interview with Jeremy Cahill on democracy now and he 
was saying China, France and Russia are holding out at the UN. Let's encourage them to keep on 
holding out. Those letters that got sent to those congress people gave them the courage for some of 
them to say no. Let's give that same courage to these delegates at the UN. Please write, call 
email. Whatever.Send it on to friends to do the same.Thanks.  Sincerely, Peggy

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