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[casi] Two Immediate Actions.. Voices In The Wilderness

Dear list,

Roger suggested I post this to the list....

Anai Rhoads

October 15 2002


As the Security Council begins today to debate a new resolution
relating to military action against Iraq, Voices would like to generate a huge number of letters to 
specific members of the SC.  I spoke two days ago with Mr. Hans von Sponeck and he concurred that 
this could be an effective action at this time. Letters should go to three of the
permanent members of the SC (France, China, Russia) and to Ireland
(currently president of the SC) and to Denmark (currently heading the
EU). Here are the FAX numbers and E-MAILS for the member states we

Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of China to the UN
FAX: 212-634-7626

Permanent Representative of Denmark to the UN
FAX: 212-308-3384
e-mail: nycmis@umdk

Permanent Representative of France to the UN
FAX: 212-421-6889

Permanent Representative of Ireland to the UN
FAX: 212-752-4726

Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN
FAX: 212-628-0252

Write short letters saying how as US citizens we have worked to keep
nation from escalation of the economic and military warfare on Iraq.
Tell them that now we ask them to do all in their power to keep the US
from carrying out its war plan against the Iraqi people.

And we would like to keep track of how many such letters are sent.
send a brief e-mail to
 saying you sent some number of
letters.  We are encouraging other organizations to begin similar

And while you are at the writing desk: Please write to Jimmy Carter.
Congratulate him on receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, and ask that he
continue to use his unique position to speak out vigorously against
military action in Iraq and against the administration’s arrogant
policies toward the UN and toward other nations (the so-called Bush
Doctrine).  Write to President Jimmy Carter, FAX to 404-331-0283.  If
you would rather leave a message, you can call the Carter offices at
404-331-3900 and ask for extension 125 to leave a recorded message.

Please do this now as the UN debate is beginning.  Thanks for this and
for all that you are doing for peace.

All best,

Kathy Kelly
Gabe Huck
Jeff Guntzel
Ken Hannaford-Ricardi

Voices in the Wilderness
1460 West Carmen Ave
Chicago  IL  60640

**Please visit

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