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[casi] Contact the Mission and Protest at the UN

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]
Email of china mission

Some of the emails from Voices in the Wilderness were not correct.
They were sent back to me from the Hotmail message system.

China's is the above or    Denmark is  I called the Denmark mission. 
Ellen Margaret Loj is the ambassador. Her phone number is 212-308-7009

Ireland is   The ambassador is Richard Ryan 212 421 6934. The faxes seem correct on 
all.   and   are correct.

Hope this saves you time.
Received from NO BLOOD FOR OIL

Fri.  10/18, NOON
43rd St/1st Ave Opposite the UN

"No Blood For Oil"  has called a demonstration at the Isaiah Wall (43rd Street and 1st Ave) across 
the street from the UN Secretariat)  , to take place Friday, October 18, at noon. As the Iraq war 
crisis reaches a crucial point in the UN the demonstration will provide an opportunity for people 
who represent the broad U.S.  and international antiwar currents to appeal to member countries of 
the UN to oppose the developing US war against the Iraqi people. This is a dramatic turning point 
in human history.

     Through the appeal to the UN member countries, participants can merge with the overwhelming 
popular rage around the world. This  demonstration also will be a follow-up to todays demonstration 
of solidarity with the non-aligned nations,who have successfully insisted on an open debate, in 
which all UN members states can express to the Security COuncil their outlook on the US war drive 
against Iraq. The debate will almost certainly help a climate which will embolden  antiwar action 
by Security Council members, and the more US popular expression is manifested before the UN, the 
more powerful will be the effect of the debate.Usually these debates are restricted to Security 
Council member states, dominated by the five permanent members ( China, France, Russia, UK and US). 
 Please attend if you can and tell your friends, relatives, co-workers and others.

       And please remember the daily speakout/vigil every weekday, Monday through Friday, rain or 
shine, 4PM to 6PM at the Isaiah Wall, as long as the crisis is before the UN.

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