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[casi] Anti-Muslim is acceptable?

Last night I read a VERY interesting 60 page document
on all the unanswered questions around 9/11.  Here is
the link for those that have some free time, it's
DEFINITELY a worthwhile read...

The article suggests it is radical elements within the
Jewish religion that are behind 9/11 and most of the
terror attacks that have occurred recently.
Everything is documented, and a VERY strong case is
made.  This is TOTALLY opposite of the case Bush and
Blair promised to make against Bin Laden.  Nothing but
speculation, and grainy, doctored VHS tapes are all
the multi-billion dollar CIA has been able to come up

In the aftermath of 9/11, who has benefited more from
the terrorist attacks, al Qaeda or Israel?  Who stands
to benefit the most, and who is most adamantly behind
the inevitable war with Iraq?

I'm sure most people are afraid to even suggest
something like this for fear of being labeled
anti-semite.  But it is not like I am condemning a
whole religion, only a few radical fanatics within a
particular religion (the same way the above referenced
article does).  If this is unacceptable, why is it ok
to condemn the entire religion of Islam based on the
ALLEGED actions of a few radicals?

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