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RE: [casi] Iraq Accepts New UN Resolution on Arms Inspections

Dear list,
Put this incredible response together with the freeing of the prisoners and
negotiations with the political opposition in Iraq -- are we witnessing a
change at the top leadership of Iraq, and how will the US downplay that?
Philippa Winkler

>===== Original Message From =====
>By Irwin Arieff
>UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Iraq said on Wednesday it accepted a new U.N.
>Security Council resolution, which orders Baghdad to disarm, cooperate with
>U.N. weapons inspectors or face "serious consequences."
>"I delivered a letter to the secretary-general's office," Iraq's U.N.
>ambassador Mohammed Aldouri told reporters. "It was a positive reply."
>Aldouri described the six-page letter as setting out Baghdad's entire
>position on the resolution, adopted by a 15-0 vote last Friday. But he said
>the response was "unconditional, no questions asked."
>"We are waiting for the inspectors to go as scheduled," Aldouri said. "We
>are eager to see the inspectors perform their duties in accordance with
>international law."
>Aldouri said Baghdad has accepted the resolution in an effort to avoid war.
>"This is a part of our policy that is to protect our country, to protect the
>nation, to protect our region also from the threat of war which is real," he
>The letter was signed by Foreign Minister Naji Sabri.
>The Security Council had given Iraq a one-week deadline to Nov. 15, to
>accept the resolution and promise to abide by its terms. Aldouri said his
>country agreed to the measure in order to avoid a U.S.-led attack.
>Iraq's acceptance came as a surprise as most council members expected
>Baghdad to wait until Friday. The letter arrived a day after the Iraqi
>parliament voted unanimously to reject the resolution and its terms.
>Aldouri said again his country had no weapons of mass destruction and would
>make that clear. Iraq next month has to give a declaration of any weapons
>programs or components of dangerous weapons it still may have under terms of
>the resolution.
>An advance party of U.N. technicians is expected to go to Baghdad on Monday
>to prepare for inspections, not expected for another week or two.
>China's deputy U.N. ambassador, Yishan Zhang, who holds this month's
>Security Council presidency, said the 15-member body welcomed "the correct
>decision of the Iraqi government."
>"We want to see the resolution implemented fully and very effectively," he
>A U.S. official, however, said, "We shouldn't make more of this than there
>is. This is their responsibility under the council mandate."
>~ Anai Rhoads
>- - - -
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