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[casi] Iraq

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

I got a brief moment of a Sky News interview with Paul Beaver who is a
defence expert.  Paul Beaver was saying that he had heard from several
on-the-ground sources that 'The War' would start Feb 15 midnight.
Certainly mid Feb.

Of course their was no time for explanation.

What are the possibilities of lobbying MPs to call a motion asking for
the withdrawal of British troops from the war zone.

I have emailed my MP requesting this but he's a loyalist.

It makes sense to get them out before they are put at serious risk.

Looking at many of the MPs of the two main parties, it seems that
British patriotism comes nowhere when it means doing the wishes of the
US President for the sake of making profits and money.

Let's raise funds to give Blair and all the Whitehouse cronies a one way
ticket to Washington.


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