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Re: [casi] Desert Storm meeting

The date for this event should read Wednesday *5th* February (rather than
Wednesday 7th February).

Best wishes,

voices uk

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Brooke" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 7:43 AM
Subject: [casi] Desert Storm meeting

> [ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]
> Dear all
> I have some knowledge of the group who are organising this meeting (in
> London) and I think I can guarantee that the discussion will be
> Peter Brooke
> An Open Meeting by The Bevin Society
> Hidden
> Wars of Desert Storm
> Narrated by John Hurt
> A video presentation with Voices in the Wilderness. Followed by a
> with speakers from Voices in the Wilderness and The Bevin Society.
> On August 2nd 1990, Saddam Hussein launched his troops against Kuwait,
> triggering the first major international  crisis of the post Soviet era.
> But was the invasion a suprise in the first place ?
> Were all the diplomatic means really utilised to try and resolve the issue
> peacefully ?
> Was there really any threat on the part of Iraq against Saudi Arabia or
> of the other Gulf States.
> With the crisis in the deepening by the day in the Middle East, just what
> are the aims and objectives of the USA and her ally Britain. Is it human
> rights and democracy of is it money, power and oil ??
> Come along, all welcome
> Wed 7th February at 7.30pm
> The Printers Room
> Red Rose Club
> 129 Seven Sisters Road, London, N 7
> Nearest Tube: Finsbury Park.
> Buses: 4,29,153,253
> 259, 279.
> (e)
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