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(Fwd) [casi] Newsnight 19/11/02 (Desert Fox)

BBC Newsnight's special programme did a great service for democracy last night and
Jeremy Paxman was at his best when he well and truly nailed the arrogant Tony Blair on
this oft quoted LIE about SH throwing out the inspectors in 1998. Speaking to a couple
of the great uninformed today at work, this was for the them the part of the interview
which most damaged Blair's credibility (for me it was things like the bombing of the
Sudan pharmaceutical plant).

I sent the email below to Newsnight (and CASI) in mid-November. I am impressed that
they got hold of Tony Blair in order to satisfy my request!!

***** extract from email *****

Tonight, Jeremy Paxman described the Operation Desert Fox bombing of
Iraq in December 1998 as a 'response' to the withdrawal of the UN
weapon inspectors.

This is simply wrong!

Newsnight failed to report adequately at the time on this episode and
continues to fail. The truth about Desert Fox raises lots of questions
which I'd like to see someone like Jeremy ask a Government spokesman.

***** end of extract *****

lots more cans of worms about Desert Fox ...

Mark Parkinson

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