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Re: Subject: [casi] transcript of Blair interview with Paxman

As you observe, there is no connection between  legality and morality.
Indeed, in many cases the presence of the former indicates the absence of
the latter. Reminds one of the old phrase: "The Law is Capitalism's mask
and ally."

Unfortunately, the media, being power's ever willing servant, frames the
debate and we are forced to trot unhappily alongside, occasionally being
allowed comment within the framework that they've set.

An alternative media is the only, ahem, alternative.


At 04:15 08/02/03, Jiale Ye wrote:

>I just want to share with you my feeling after reading
>the transcipt of Blair's interview with Paxman which
>absolutely makes me want to cry.
>Some members of the audience seem to have an obsession
>with a UNSC resolution, apparently thinking that this
>war is immoral because it does not receive UN backing
>and is a unilateral political act - few people
>mentioned the humanitarian consequences of the war
>(where were you, List Members?).  Race issue was
>touched upon but then the focus was on domestic race
>relations.  Nobody questions that this war is racist
>because in a reverse scenario (e.g. if France is now
>for some reason ruled by a French Saddam Hussein),
>Western governments WILL NEVER take the same actions
>against France.  It is because the Iraqis are a darker
>skinned, less familiar, Muslim people who live
>thousands of miles away that make their perishing more
>easily acceptable as "collateral damage".
>I cannot think of a worse tragedy to human
>civilisation than having people all over the world
>arguing about sophisticated international legal
>concepts and UN procedures when ordinary men and women
>and children are allowed to perish in the very place
>of origin of civilisation.

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