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Re: [casi] dossier, update from Holland

The British "dossier" was reported on the 8pm and 10pm news here in Holland yesterday, quite 
In Holland the public is overwhelmingly against a war (89% according to a news report last week), 
but our Christian prime minister (leader of the Christian Democratic Party), is just as gung ho as 
tony and georgy. Only diff is that the Dutch know they don't want this war, whereas many Brits and 
Americans still have to be convinced, so our prime minister is having to find all sorts of creative 
means of selling the war. Fortunately Holland isn't buying his wares, but will that stop him I 
wonder. Yesterday our Christian PM agreed to sell patriot missiles to Turkey - for defence 
purposes, of course. And the army has now been positioned in strategic "terrorist"- prone 
locations, such as tunnels, factories, the dams etc!!!!

Salwa de Vree,
Leiden, The Netherlands.

----- Original Message -----
From: John Gorenfeld <goren@OCF.Berkeley.EDU>
Date: 07 Feb 2003 13:39:21 -0800
Subject: [casi] dossier

> Here in the United States, almost no news outlet has said a word about
> the plagiarized dossier. You guys should concentrate on them.
> John
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