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[casi] Ambivalent treatment of Iraqi POWs (from today's London Times)

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As good as can be hoped for, I suppose. They seem to be being cared for medically, but does anyone 
know if the deliberate maintenance of prisoners in battle shock for the purposes of interrogation 
is consonant with the Geneva Convention?

The Times (London), March 25th, 2003,,5944-622925,00.html

...It was a surreal tableau; six heavily armed commandos passing ceaselessly among their ragtag 
captives, distributing bottles of water, checking their eyes, their pulses, but pushing their heads 
down to the floor if any attempted to look around or talk to his comrades. Kill or cure - it was 
just an expression one hears until you have seen Royal Marines guarding their prisoners.

Captain Jamie Norman, 25, explained the dilemma. "We want to maintain them in battle shock until 
they reach the holding centre. If you keep them so they don't know if they're coming or going it 
helps in the interrogation and also to identify the leaders. But these guys are in such a mess 
we're also having to make sure that we don't lose any."...

Mike Lewis
Christ's College
Cambridge CB2 3BU
07712 655130
"It is sometimes expedient to allow the people to play the fool and make merry, lest by holding 
them in with too great a rigor, we put them in despair...These gay sports be abolished, the people 
go instead to taverns, drink up and begin to cackle, their feet dancing under the table, to 
decipher King, princes, the State and Justice and draft scandalous defamatory leaflets" - Claude de 
Rubys, Histoire veritable de la ville de Lyon, 1604

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