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[casi] UN hampered by weak leadership? Daily Star, Lebanon March

UN is being hampered by Annan’s weak leadership

[...] A survey of Annan’s statements in recent years indicates that there is
scarcely a minor skirmish or a major conflict anywhere in the world, in
which he has not openly called for a cease-fire or deplored in the strongest
terms the resort to violence.

By failing to do the same in the case of Iraq, Annan seems, in effect, to be
acquiescing to, if not openly endorsing, the US attack on Iraq specifically,
and the dangerous new doctrine of preemptive war more generally.

Whatever successes the dedicated staff of the UN Secretariat and agencies
may be achieving around the world, it is in spite, rather than because of,
the weak leadership at the top.   .......   more

[Ali Abunimah is a Chicago-based Palestinian-Jordanian analyst and media
critic. He is the co-founder of the Electronic Intifada. He writes a regular
commentary for The Daily Star ]

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