The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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[casi] Resolution Passed by Liberal Democrats Federal Executive


The Federal Executive:

1.      Welcomes the decision by Conference, passed on an overwhelming

basis, to agree the Emergency Motion on Iraq.

2.      Notes with approval that the Parliamentary Party remained united

in the votes opposing war on the evidence then available on Tuesday 18


3.      Acknowledges that while questions about the legality and rationale

for the war remain, and will undoubtedly be returned to at the end of

hostilities, Liberal Democrat spokespeople should concentrate on

continuing to raise pertinent questions about the way in which the war is


4.      Calls on the Parliamentary spokespeople to continue to press the

Government to give a high priority to the effort to prevent a short term

humanitarian disaster and to rebuild the lives of the citizens of Iraq; to

ensure that the reconstruction of political, economic and social

structures should be under the auspices of the UN; and to move forward on

the road map for peace in Israel/Palestine.

5.      Recalls that both in the Conference motion and in Parliament, we

have expressed our strong support for our troops and our hope that the war

will be concluded as quickly as possible and with the minimum casualties

on both sides, including innocent Iraqi civilians.

6.      In present circumstances, calls upon the Leader and his advisory

group on Iraq to keep under review the issue of formal Party participation

in war-related activities, while recognising the absolute right of

individual party members to participate if they so choose.

7.      Calls on the Parliamentary spokespeople to press the government to

ensure that a comprehensive and long term system of monitoring the health

and welfare of our forces in the theatre of war and their families is

instituted and to take prompt and effective measures to remedy or minimise

any emerging problems

8.      Calls on the Party to continue to present the Liberal Democrat

case, clearly stating our opposition to the initiation of this war, and

our full support for the safety of our troops and Iraqi civilians as

vigorously as possible and to update members via e-mail and other means on

the policy approved by Conference, the Parliamentary Party and Federal

Policy Committee that we are taking as the conflict develops and the

strategic decisions approved by the Federal Executive.

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