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Re: [casi] Doctors tell how children's deaths became propaganda

In reading this particular article there appears to be little evidence
presented that sanctions were not to blame for the deaths of Iraqi children,
beyond a few anecdotal quotes. The fact that the Iraqi regime at the time
cynically paraded the corpses of babies for propaganda reasons does not mean
that sanctions were not the cause of these deaths in the first
place.Sanctions could still have caused most of the deaths, which the regime
then milked for all it was worth in a tasteless way.This is not to say that
Saddam Hussein's regime was blameless over a whole host of issues during the
sanctions era, far from it, but the article didn't really explain anything.

It also reminded me of the "breaking story" this week of "corruption" in the
management of the oil for food program on ABC News in the US. Once again,
nothing beyond assertions, anecdotal quotes, hearsay, and commentary from
people who aren't experts in the field, with no evidence presented, nor any
rigourous analysis, nor balanced presentation of the facts and
circumstances.In fact, nothing more than the disingenuous soundbites that
ill-informs a complacent public. Politicians and the media can get away with
saying anything these days, we truly live in an era of unprecedented

Peter Kiernan

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