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Re: [casi] ! petition warning !

Dear Dirk,

I see the confusion now. Someone pasted the public page of signatures into a
message on the cuba yahoo pages. Since it is in French, it threw me. It's
bad form to forward anyone's signature (name) anywhere without their
permission, so whoever did it lacked consideration for those on your list.

Its a bit deceiving to those who view it or spot it in a search when looking
me up because one thing I am not is an enemy of *anyone*. I focus on policy,
not a country or a man. I would hate anyone to think I am ignorant enough to
generalise an entire country over this war, a petition or what ever
else...if you see what I mean.

I'm not shy about adding my name to petitions, sites, or even on the
sensitive political articles I have written. I just choose to put my name
where I want -  on my own :)

Thanks and my apologies - I had read it completely wrong.


[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

Dear Anai,

the message posted on the 18th of october 2002 to the Yahoo group, is the
"international peace
appeal" that you signed, with a very partial list of endorsers. I checked
it. So nobody has used
your name for another petition. And if they should do so, I'd be the first
to oppose. I agree with
you that names can not be used for another petition than the one you have
signed. But it is the
same appeal. That's why I wrote that I don't see the problem.

The second thing is that I find it very hard to be accused of using names of
people that did not
really sign the petition. It would undermine our credibility if we would use
such practices. I have
sent the letter of 15 october, where her name is mentioned, to Salwa.

You know we introduced a new appeal: "No Impunity for War Crimes committed
by U.S. Troops in Iraq!"
to support the court case against General Tommy Franks. We did not use the
names of the
"International Peace appeal" as endorsers for the new appeal. That would be
a stupid thing to do. I
think we always act correctly, and we do not abuse the names of persons.
With "spreading
solidarity", I did not mean that people can use your name for any petition,
but that several
websites worldwide can put the "international peace appeal" on their
website, or make a link to it
(which I prefer).

Dear Anai, I have signed your petition "Lift Sanctions in Iraq - Say NO to
war" at I still stand by it.
Why should I want to have
my signature removed? Everybody can see my name. Companies can abuse my
name. The CIA can even add
my name to their list of people opposed to the war in Iraq. It could ruin my
future. The persons
that signed your petition could be all communists. They are all terrorists
anyway, in the view of
Bush. Perhaps if we stay quiet and not stick our neck out and let Bush
continue to set the world on
fire, we may have a bright future.

Yours in struggle for peace.

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