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Re: [casi] ! petition warning !

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Dear Dirk,

I know of the wonderful work you and Luk are doing with your SOS Iraq action
group & website. I strongly endorse and praise all that you do. And of course
I remember our joint effort last October in our solidarity with Palestine and
Iraq campaign. Luk was indeed there with an Iraq stand, but I do not remember
whether or not I signed a petition then; I may well have. The point however,
is that, had I known you were going to place it online like that, I would have
thought twice about signing, or at least asked not to have my name included in
the online version for the very reason we are now seeing happening, i.e.
people simply copying & pasting our names onto other petitions. You write
"Without our knowledge, different people have sent the petition to different
discussion-groups. Several websites all around the world (Germany, Spain,
Italy, Russia, Latin-America....) have adopted the petition and have put the
names of endorsers also on their website". So it would seem that it is now
pointless to ask to have our/my name removed from the online version. You
cannot be blamed for the illegal (according to Anai) actions which others have
taken in copying the names which were given to you, but I am sure you will
appreciate that it concerns some of us, some more than others. It should be a
lesson for any one of us wishing to start a petition, to include some sort of
safety mechanism for the signatories and at the very least, not make it so
blatantly easy for others to (ab)use our names.

I am also wondering, actually, what was the point of this petition, as I
cannot find anywhere any mention of who/where the petition was intended to be
sent to?

Please forgive me for having over-reacted a bit to finding my name somewhere
where it should not have been.

Salwa de Vree.


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