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[casi] !OT Regarding 'Testimony [...] -- Give me a break!

On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 09:33:33 EDT writes:
>[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]
>In a message dated 8/15/03 5:21:15 AM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
>> Especially the ones that boast this 'holier
>> than thou, peace & love' bullshit.
>Clearly you are "here" on CASI for one purpose, to stir >up trouble.

Yeah -- this is typical of a lot of what I have heard during "discussion"
with supporters of Bush while on vigils and such: strong opinion from
true believers who have apparantly not done even the fundamental
research, but are driven purely from emotional reaction.

I must admit I found the characterization of Secretary Albright as
incompetent rather amusing -- although I doubt she (or many other world
leaders) would agree with it. <G> Misguided, even with a touch of evil,
perhaps, but hardly just some "old lady".

But we should pay attention to what "dzepplin" said, for it is fairly
typical of many who support the war and occupation of Iraq, and lap up
the propaganda and distortions that the "Rove"s and "Wolfowitz"s
Because of the sort of highly educated and analytical people we generally
relate to on list like this, it is easy to forget that such "dialogue"
all too closely epitomizes the "average" American, who have been
"educated" out of the instinct to question and delve for the truth. You
can bet that Karl Rove doesn't forget it!

This also points to one of weaknesses of discussion lists like this: much
of it "preaches to the choir" -- those who HAVE done the research. The
understanding of the facts and underlying forces is good to have, but it
tends not to get into the mainstream awareness, or even the popular
media. We -- and the Iraqis -- are not heard: the militant idealogues do
not want to hear. Some, as they age and become more experienced, or find
themselves plunged into war and in direct contact with the situaion and
people, will change theri minds, but even that often takes time and
reflection, and some never will but harden their hearts and minds.

A critical strategy then, I think, is two-fold: first, aim to inform
those who are *only* ignorant of the facts and not emotionally committed
to the idealogy, and second, emphasize the secondary effects of
warmongering such as  economic losses, casualties, and damage to domestic

For instance, the figure of $50 million being estimated today of what it
would have cost to modernize the US electrical system would have been
more than covered by just the initial budget for attacking Iraq. Even now
it could be paid for in the next year by the withdrawal of occupying US
troops -- just figuring the military costs. Do Americans want to spend
their money to torture and kill Iraqi civilians, or do they want reliable
electric power? Living in the dark literally is more disagreeable than
doing it figuratively (and THAT'S something the people in Baghdad can
attest to!).

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