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!OT Re: [casi] Regarding 'Testimony of the Iraqi Doctor' ---- Give me a break!

>Don't be fooled...  I have been overwhelmingly sincere >and completely
honest in everything I have said.  If my

For my part, I am quite sure you are sincere -- but neither sincerity nor
belief has any relationship to objective reality. One must do the
research -- with an open mind.

Think back -- Have you never been wrong?

Well -- you're wrong again. It happens. I spent decades being wrong about
things until I learned how to learn, and even now "knowing" (much less
believing) is fraught with danger. "Back then" I even thought the war on
Vietnam made sense -- I voted for Nixon. I've since learned how foolish I

This will be my last post to you on list (since this sort of thing
detracts from the list's purpose). I wish you well. :)

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