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Re: [casi] Bomb in Najaf has kills 82, including leading Shia - FT

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

> i do not see bush, bremer et al in more favorable light than i did saddam hussein.

you may not see, but i can tell you that all the iraqis I met in my 10 weeks do see a massive 
difference - along the order of 6 million executed iraqis.

when the electricity goes out, the kids in iraq sing out "saddam has taken away the electricity; 
bush'll bring it back".

bremer did not listen to certain calls from the british to maintain minority rule in iraq, and set 
up the governing council which almost every iraqi i spoke to is very happy about - each group can 
identify with someone who they feel represents them.

while it may be a million miles away from perfect, it certainly is more favourable for iraqis than 
life under saddam.
  ----- Original Message -----
  To: ; ;
  Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 11:55 PM
  Subject: Re: [casi] Bomb in Najaf has kills 82, including leading Shia - FT

  to ya1980:    i fail to see what point you are trying to make. i think that nasrallah's comments 
are insightful, for i suspect the israelis are salivating at the prospect of civil war in iraq, and 
amongst the palestinians as well. he, with a singular victory in pushing out the israelis and 
ending their occupation of southern lebanon, understands quite well that the issue is occupation, 
and the predatory subjugation of iraqis by foreign invadors. i do not see bush, bremer et al in 
more favorable light than i did saddam hussein.
  the new outremer holds less promise than that envisioned by the other crusades, but unfortunate 
suffering will continue to occur in order to satiate the arrogance of the misguided crusaders. 
nasrallah and other younger arab leaders signify to me that their spirit is unbroken and their 
dignity remains inviolate.cordially,

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