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Re: [casi] On Ding Bat Idiots

Let there be no doubt that the only thing the toilet inspired C.A.S.I.
crew speaks on behalf of is themselves and their own political agendas.
Sleazy lying dirtbag cohort pieces of rotting trash who are in the
business of exploiting the plight of others to further their own political
cause.  Simply put, C.A.S.I. is an organization whos membership is
littered with morally bankrupt filth that represents the absolute worst of

To get a vivid accurate picture that illustrates the true nature of
C.A.S.I., one only need look to that old Star Wars flick called 'The
Empire Strikes Back'.  There was a scene when Luke was on some jungle
planet to be trained by a little green guy named Yoda.  As part of Lukes
training, Yoda had instructed Luke to go into a dark underground evil cave
full of snakes. Luke did so, and there was Darth Vader waiting for him.

C.A.S.I. is very much like that dark underground evil cave full of snakes.


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