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[casi] Ledeen's latest whopper

THE GLOBE AND MAIL, Tuesday, May 6, 2003 - Page A15

Tehran is our next target

It's time for Washington to start planning its next regime change, says
foreign policy analyst MICHAEL LEDEEN


Saddam has fallen but the war against terrorism continues. That was
President George W. Bush's message to the world from the deck of the warship
USS Abraham Lincoln last week. And he is entirely right. We can forget about
the happy dream of being able to destroy the Baathist regime in Iraq,
democratize the country and then calmly decide what to do next.

Like Afghanistan, Iraq was just one battle in the war against the terror
network and the countries that sustain it. And Saddam Hussein's Iraq was
never even the most threatening of those countries. That dubious honour
belongs to Iran, the creator of modern Islamic terror in the form of
Hezbollah, arguably the world's most lethal terrorist organization. And then
there is Syria, which has worked hand in glove with Iran to support

It is impossible to win the war on terrorism so long as the regimes in Syria
and Iran remain in power. So now what? The short answer is regime change.

No one I know wants to wage war on Iran and Syria, but I believe there is
now a clear recognition that we must defend ourselves against them. Left
undisturbed, they will wage war on us in Iraq and Afghanistan, and mount new
attacks on our homeland. Fortunately, a military campaign is unnecessary to
achieve a change in regime because the leaderships in Iran and Syria are
vulnerable to political attack. In Iran, we have an irresistible card to
play: Give the people opposed to that vicious "mullahcracy" that has wrecked
their country over the past 23 years support for a peaceful transition from
dictatorship to democracy.

As I wrote in The War Against the Terror Masters, the Iranians and the
Syrians long ago concluded that a successful U.S. campaign in Iraq would
threaten them both.

The Iranian regime was particularly alarmed because it faces a population
that is openly hostile to its rule. Their own public opinion polls show that
upward of 70 per cent of their people oppose them, and their internal
analyses predicted a domestic social explosion unless living conditions --
including greater freedom -- improved quickly and dramatically. This was
decidedly not in the cards, and therefore the Iranians intensified domestic
repression in the months leading up to the war in Iraq. Scores of young
Iranian dissidents were publicly hanged after summary trials, newspapers and
magazines were shut down, radio and television signals from overseas were
jammed, and foreign thugs were brought into the country to put down
demonstrations (the regime no longer trusted its own security forces for
such purposes).

The Syrian authorities obviously had similar concerns, for they orchestrated
a cabinet reshuffle in Lebanon, removing the slightest sign of independence,
and similarly shut down all voices of criticism.

Having waited more than a year after our victory in Afghanistan before
turning to Iraq, we gave these other terror masters time to prepare their
strategy. Expecting a long, drawn-out military campaign in Iraq (they
dreamed of a second Vietnam), they organized a battle plan appropriate to
weak countries facing a more powerful opponent. They planned to combine
terrorist attacks with popular uprisings, all the while mobilizing the Iraqi
Shiites against the U.S.-led coalition. As Syrian dictator Bashar Assad
incautiously proclaimed in an interview shortly after the start of the Iraqi
campaign, their model was Lebanon, where the same sort of battle plan had
driven out American marines in the 1980s, and the Israelis in the 1990s.

By now, the Iranian/Syrian strategy should be clear to the world, even to
those diplomats and policymakers who had considered Syria an ally in the war
against terrorism, and had dreamed of coming to some sort of working
arrangement with the Iranians. In the war just ended, we saw thousands of
terrorists pour into Iraq from Iran and Syria. The Shia demonstrations were
clearly organized from Tehran, and top Iraqi officials found havens in both
countries. Indeed, as Baghdad fell, busloads of Iraqi leaders raced into
Iran, boarded a civilian aircraft, and flew off to Sudan, even as Saddam
Hussein himself headed for Damascus.

Secretary of State Colin Powell, a man of great patience and optimism, flew
to Damascus himself last weekend to try to explain the new facts of life to
President Assad, and to encourage him to change his behaviour and adapt to
America's requirements.

It isn't likely to work and, at the end of the day, we will have to face the
unpleasant fact that such regimes will never abandon terrorism.

Happily, it doesn't seem necessary to wage war in order to accomplish regime
change in Tehran and Damascus. Political warfare is the order of the day,
just as we brought down Slobodan Milosevic in Yugoslavia, the Marcoses in
the Philippines, and regimes in Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia in the
latter days of the Cold War. I have no doubt that many Western countries
will come to this conclusion, and collectively support the incipient
democratic revolution that will start in Iran.

Michael Ledeen, author of The War Against the Terror Masters, is a resident
scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and moderator of a conference
on the future of Iran taking place today in Washington.

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